Mujeres y emblemas : una visión simbólica de la condición femenina en la Edad Moderna

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Mujeres y emblemas : una visión simbólica de la condición femenina en la Edad Moderna

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element García Arranz, José Julio es 2019-03-07T07:41:56Z 2019-03-07T07:41:56Z 2018 es
dc.identifier.citation García Arranz, José Julio. Mujeres y emblemas : una visión simbólica de la condición femenina en la Edad Moderna. En: Imago: revista de emblemática y cultura visual, 10 2018: 7-52 es
dc.description.abstract The difficult situation of women in the Modern Period, marked by the strong patriarchal and androcentric character of the official culture and ideology of the moment, and their high degree of social marginalization, has been frequently analysed through various literary sources such as theatre, fiction or travel literature, collections of proverbs and sermons, and, above all, moral and doctrinal texts. However, for some time now, a new approach to the issue has been attempted which has proven to be of singular importance when observing the effect of the aforementioned directives of the dominant ideology on the familial and social role of women: illustrated symbolic literature. Through its various forms of expression--emblems, badges, hieroglyphics, allegories--this genre became, especially from the final decades of the 16thcentury, a perfectly calibrated and effective instrument when channelling the political, moral and doctrinal orientation of citizens. In the present study I offer an overview of how emblematic treatises and repertoires of allegories offer us excellent examples of the construction of the symbolic image that the dominant elites of modern times seek to spread and impose on the female gender, and their well-established and channelled behavioural norms.   KEYWORDS: Modern Period; Emblems; Female Marginality; Androcentric Control.   es
dc.title Mujeres y emblemas : una visión simbólica de la condición femenina en la Edad Moderna es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::HISTORIA es
dc.identifier.doi 10.7203/imago.10.13292 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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