A study on stress distribution to cement layer and root dentin for post and cores made of CAD/CAM materials with different elasticity modulus in the absence of ferrule

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A study on stress distribution to cement layer and root dentin for post and cores made of CAD/CAM materials with different elasticity modulus in the absence of ferrule

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element de Andrade, Guilherme -Schmidt es Tribst, João Paulo Mendes es Dal Piva, Amanda-Maria-de Oliveira es BOTTINO, Marco Antônio es Borges, Alexandre- Luiz-Souto es Valandro, Luiz-Felipe es Özcan, Mutlu es 2019-03-07T11:34:43Z 2019-03-07T11:34:43Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation de Andrade, Guilherme -Schmidt ; Tribst, João Paulo Mendes ; Dal Piva, Amanda-Maria-de Oliveira ; BOTTINO, Marco Antônio ; Borges, Alexandre- Luiz-Souto ; Valandro, Luiz-Felipe ; Özcan, Mutlu. A study on stress distribution to cement layer and root dentin for post and cores made of CAD/CAM materials with different elasticity modulus in the absence of ferrule. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 11 1 2019: 1-8 es
dc.description.abstract To evaluate the stress distribution in a maxillary central incisor with different post and cores made of six CAD/CAM materials with different elastic modulus in the absence of ferrule using the finite element analysis. A three-dimensional endodontically treated maxillary central incisor restored with an all-ceramic crown was modelled in Rhinoceros (5.0 SR8, McNeel). The geometries were analyzed in ANSYS 17.2 (ANSYS Inc.) considering isotropic, homogeneous, linearly elastic materials with perfectly bonded contacts. The elastic moduli (E) of the post-and-cores defined the groups to be compared: nanoceramic resin (E=12.8GPa); composite resin (E=16GPa); hybrid ceramic (E=34.7GPa); lithium disilicate (E=95GPa); titanium (Ti-Al6-V4) (E=112GPa); and Y-TZP material (E=209.3GPa). The set was constrained in the cortical bone and loaded (45°/100 N) on the incisor palatine face. Stress distribution was analyzed by Maximum Principal Stress criteria for the crown-core cement line, Post-and-core?s cement line, Post-and-core system and Dentin. The stress distribution at the crown-core cement line (11.4 ? 13.2 MPa) was inversely proportional to the increase of the elastic modulus of the post-core approaches, while it was direct proportional on the post-and-core (4.7 ? 40 MPa) and cement line (4.1 ? 6.2 MPa). Stress distribution on the dentin was similar for all groups (24.7 - 25.3). Post-and-core made by CAD/CAM seems to be an efficient treatment alternative, since it is a conservative approach, promotes better aesthetic quality and it allows the control of the cement line thickness. es
dc.title A study on stress distribution to cement layer and root dentin for post and cores made of CAD/CAM materials with different elasticity modulus in the absence of ferrule es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.55295 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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