Comparative in vitro study of the accuracy of impression techniques for dental implants : direct technique with an elastomeric impression material versus intraoral scanner

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Comparative in vitro study of the accuracy of impression techniques for dental implants : direct technique with an elastomeric impression material versus intraoral scanner

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Rech Ortega, Cristina es Fernández Estevan, Lucía es Solá Ruiz, María Fernanda es Agustín Panadero, Rubén es Labaig Rueda, Carlos es 2019-03-07T13:18:57Z 2019-03-07T13:18:57Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation Rech Ortega, Cristina ; Fernández Estevan, Lucía ; Solá Ruiz, María Fernanda ; Agustín Panadero, Rubén ; Labaig Rueda, Carlos. Comparative in vitro study of the accuracy of impression techniques for dental implants : direct technique with an elastomeric impression material versus intraoral scanner. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 24 1 2019: 13- es
dc.description.abstract The aim of this study was to compare a conventional technique (elastomeric impression material - EIM) and a digital technique (scanner digital model ? SDM) on a six-analog master model (MM) to determine which was the most exact. Twenty impressions were taken of a master model (EIM) and twenty scanned impressions (SDM) (True Definition). A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) was used to measure the distances between adjacent analogues (1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6), intermittently positioned analogues (1-4, 3-6) and the most distal (1-6). Reference values were established from the master model, which were compared with the two impression techniques. The significance level was established as 5% (p<0.05). The precision of each technique was compared with MM. For adjacent analogues (1-2), no significant differences were found between EIM-MM (p=0,146). For intermittently positioned analogues (1-4), SDM did not show significant differences with MM (p=0.255). For the distance between distal analogues (1-6), significant differences were found between both techniques and MM (p=0.001). In a clinical situation with < three implants, EIM is more exact than SDM, but in cases of four implants SDM is more exact. For rehabilitations (> four implants), neither technique can be considered accurate although error falls within the tolerance limits established in the literature (30-150µm). es
dc.title Comparative in vitro study of the accuracy of impression techniques for dental implants : direct technique with an elastomeric impression material versus intraoral scanner es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.22822 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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