Trascendencia de la Constitución en el Derecho Civil venezolano

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Trascendencia de la Constitución en el Derecho Civil venezolano

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Domínguez Guillén, Mª Candelaria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The article refers to the relevance of the Constitution in Civil Law in Venezuela. The study is divided into two parts: the first one review the ?Constitutional Civil Law? in its notion, background and some fundamental institutions (person, family and patrimonial relations). The second part, entitled ?The Constitution in Civil Law?, takes a look at some general reflections, the nature of constitutional norms and the interconnection between Public Law and Private Law. The constitutionalization of Civil Law entails incorporating civil institutions into the Constitution as well as having the Fundamental Charter as the basis for interpreting the subject.
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