El principio de no discriminación en el derecho contractual ítalo-europeo

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El principio de no discriminación en el derecho contractual ítalo-europeo

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Carapezza Figlia, Gabriele
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The essay analyzes the progressive assertion of non-discrimination as a principle within Italian and European contract law. After having examinated the legislative concept of contractual discrimination, the scope of the prohibition and the extent of its impact, the Author shows that the direct applicability of the principle of equality within private law relations is inseparable from the issue of the review of contractual autonomy, where it expresses the core essence of the anti-discrimination paradigm. In order to assure full and effective protection, the paper focuses on diversification of techniques for protecting against discrimination and the choice of the ?right? civil remedy.
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