La constitutionnalisation du droit de la famille

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La constitutionnalisation du droit de la famille

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Sayn, Isabelle
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The principles of equality and non-interference in private and family life have led to family law to a considerable evolution. From the point of view of the children, equality is acquired, whatever the origin of the filiation, from the moment in which it has been established. However, regarding adults, differences persist: only married couples have access to certain social rights and to the protection derived from matrimonial economic regimes. In this process the French Courts have only evolved driven by european jurisprudence or by the national law itself. The evolution is not based on the mere invocation of the Constitution, but rather, as a consequence of the integration of rules of european origin in domestic law, including the constitutional one, as a consequence of the influence of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights
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