Capacidad para contraer matrimonio y prohibiciones matrimoniales: una comparación de las experiencias jurídicas española e italiana

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Capacidad para contraer matrimonio y prohibiciones matrimoniales: una comparación de las experiencias jurídicas española e italiana

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Verda y Beamonte, José Ramón de; Virgadamo, Pietro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The research work aims to investigate the system of the requirements and impediments to marriage in Spain and in Italy, making a comparison between the two legal experiences. A first part of the study, after some preliminary considerations, is dedicated to Spanish law. The treatment of Italian law follows. However, the comparison between the two legal systems is constant, in order to highlight similarities and differences. The analysis of these two legal experiences, although culturally similar, allows to affirm that they are, for some aspects, different from the normative point of view, but often similar in the elaboration of the doctrine.
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