Sphenoid sinus mucocele : an unusual complication of head and neck irradiation in a North African woman

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Sphenoid sinus mucocele : an unusual complication of head and neck irradiation in a North African woman

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Brunet García, Aina; Costa-Climent, Mª Dolores; Pujol-Rodríguez, Maria; Brunet García, Laia; Faubel Serra, Marta
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Mucocele is a common benign lesion otherwise rarely located in the sphenoid sinus. Some complications after head and neck irradiation have been described in the literature until now. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a sphenoid sinus mucocele in a North African patient treated some years before with radiotherapy for a nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). We extend the literature review about this infrequent finding, of which head and neck surgeons should be aware.
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