Memoria y paz. Perspectivas decoloniales en la construcción de la memoria colectiva

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Memoria y paz. Perspectivas decoloniales en la construcción de la memoria colectiva

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Hess, Sabine
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The objective of this article is to analyse methodological principles in studies that link the construction of memory with decolonisation. Based on two decolonial approaches, the colonial and epistemic difference, a comparative study of collaborative research on memory in Latin America was carried out. This analysis contributes to the conceptual-critical reflection of the construction of memory in a decolonial framing and presents through innovative methodologies meaning shifts of official narratives. In conclusion, it proposes the integration of the territorial dimension and the subjectivity of the participants and their communities as a way of transformation towards peaceful societies
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