Crazy about science: The difficulty of mixing accountability and caregiving

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Crazy about science: The difficulty of mixing accountability and caregiving

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Obiol-Francés, Sandra; Villar Aguilés, Alícia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The general model for evaluating scientific production fits into the accountability system: a way of measuring scientific output which does not usually acknowledge the presence of gender imbalances in academic institutions. Here we take the need to rethink this system and the indicators it uses to measure productivity and scientific quality, as well as the social conditions in which these activities are measured, as a starting point. In particular, we urge the review of this system, considering the administration of caregiving to dependents, be they young or old, as an example, because it is an unresolved problem that affects scientific work as well as progress in gender equality in university institutions.
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