Leptophobic Dark Matter and the Baryon Number Violation Scale

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Leptophobic Dark Matter and the Baryon Number Violation Scale

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Fileviez Pérez, Pavel; Golias, Elliot; Li, Rui-Hao; Murgui Gálvez, Clara
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

We discuss the possible connection between the scale for baryon number violation and the cosmological bound on the dark matter relic density. A simple gauge theory for baryon number which predicts the existence of a leptophobic cold dark matter particle candidate is investigated. In this context, the dark matter candidate is a Dirac fermion with mass defined by the new symmetry breaking scale. Using the cosmological bounds on the dark matter relic density we find the upper bound on the symmetry breaking scale around 200 TeV. The properties of the leptophobic dark matter candidate are investigated in great detail and we show the prospects to test this theory at current and future experiments. We discuss the main implications for the mechanisms to explain the matter and antimatter asymmetry in the Universe.
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