'Let's make lots of money': the determinants of performance in the recorded music sector

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'Let's make lots of money': the determinants of performance in the recorded music sector

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Montoro Pons, Juan de Dios; Cuadrado García, Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

This research analyzes the performance of 467 record labels in eight European countries over a period of 13 years (2003-2015). The main goal is to explain a relative measure of profitability in terms of observed variables, although the nature of the dataset also allows us to include non-observed firm and country effects. To this end alternative models are estimated and three main research questions are tested, namely: (1) the effect of the dual structure of the recorded music market, in which a competitive segment and an oligopoly coexist; (2) the extent and source of the volatility of profits in record labels; and (3) the nonlinear impact of size on performance.
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