Evaluation of the use of a City Center through the use of Bluetooth Sensors Network

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Evaluation of the use of a City Center through the use of Bluetooth Sensors Network

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Martínez Plumé, Javier Martinez Durá, Juan José Cirilo Gimeno, Ramón Vicente Soriano García, Francisco R. García Celda, Antonio 2019-05-16T13:16:06Z 2019-05-16T13:16:06Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Martínez Plumé, Javier Martinez Durá, Juan José Cirilo Gimeno, Ramón Vicente Soriano García, Francisco R. García Celda, Antonio 2019 Evaluation of the use of a City Center through the use of Bluetooth Sensors Network Sustainability 11 4 1002-1 1002-18
dc.description.abstract In order to achieve the objectives of Smart Cities, public administrations need to take measures to regulate mobility, which undoubtedly requires a high level of information and sensorization. Until the implementation of the connected vehicle takes place, it is still necessary to install sensors to obtain information about mobility. Bluetooth sensors are becoming a useful tool due to the low cost of equipment and installation. The use of Bluetooth sensors in cities, with short distances between sensors, makes it necessary to propose new classification algorithms that allow the trips of pedestrians and vehicles to be differentiated. This article presents the study carried out in the city of Valencia to determine the use of motor vehicles in the historic center and propose a new classification algorithm to distinguish between an onboard Bluetooth device and the same device carried by a pedestrian when it is not possible to use the travel time for the classification due to the short distance between sensors. This causes very similar or even indistinguishable travel times for vehicles and for pedestrians. We also propose an algorithm that allows vehicles to be classified according to what type of trip is made always through the historical center of Valencia, whether it is to make a shorter itinerary through the city or to access the center for any type of business. This algorithm would enable the Origin-Destination matrix of an urban network with short distances between sensors if they are available in all entries and exits. Likewise, the results obtained have allowed to positively evaluate the algorithm defined to distinguish between trips made by a pedestrian or a vehicle in a city, using the MAC address of their mobile devices with very short distances among sensors. The results of this study show that it is possible to use Bluetooth technology, with low cost installations, to evaluate the use of the city by motor vehicles.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Sustainability, 2019, vol. 11, num. 4, p. 1002-1-1002-18
dc.subject Disseny urbà
dc.subject Desenvolupament sostenible
dc.subject Circulació
dc.title Evaluation of the use of a City Center through the use of Bluetooth Sensors Network
dc.type journal article es_ES 2019-05-16T13:16:07Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3390/su11041002
dc.identifier.idgrec 132708
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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