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Morell Aldana, Laura Cristina
Carbonell Mateu, Juan Carlos (dir.) Departament de Dret Penal |
Aquest document és un/a tesi, creat/da en: 2019 | |
The purpose of this thesis is to study the element of danger as the backbone of some crimes against road safety,
specifically those included in articles 379 to 382 of Chapter IV of Title XVII of the Criminal Code, which is also a differential part of the crimes
administrative actions included in articles 75 and following of RDL 6/2015. Crimes against road safety can be defined as
the set of infractions, characterized by the creation a risk for the legal goods of a double typology, diffuse and individual. The
first of the dangers that seek to infringe is injury to road safety - formerly called traffic safety - to
our judgment referential intermediate value.That is why the second risk that is to be prevented with this kind of criminal offenses is
the injury to the legal interests of life and integrity of human beings, typifying behaviors that, for the most part, represent the
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The purpose of this thesis is to study the element of danger as the backbone of some crimes against road safety,
specifically those included in articles 379 to 382 of Chapter IV of Title XVII of the Criminal Code, which is also a differential part of the crimes
administrative actions included in articles 75 and following of RDL 6/2015. Crimes against road safety can be defined as
the set of infractions, characterized by the creation a risk for the legal goods of a double typology, diffuse and individual. The
first of the dangers that seek to infringe is injury to road safety - formerly called traffic safety - to
our judgment referential intermediate value.That is why the second risk that is to be prevented with this kind of criminal offenses is
the injury to the legal interests of life and integrity of human beings, typifying behaviors that, for the most part, represent the
anticipation of criminal protection barriers. Precisely this personal substrate is what gives specific material unlawfulness to
the crimes object of our reflection: road traffic is a dangerous activity per se and here the criminal legislator tries to control the source
of risk in the interest of the importance of protected objects, when there are excesses that exceed the risk framework socially
permitted.The general objectives of the present exhibition are two. On the one hand, study the element of danger in relation to crimes
driving at a speed higher than that allowed, driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages or drugs, reckless driving
and homicidal-suicidal driving. The second purpose generically pursued, would be to delve into the demarcation between crimes
against road safety and the administrative sanctions of RDL 6/2015, enhancing the content itself of material unlawfulness of the
criminal offenses, by linking it to the projected danger of road safety, life and integrity of people, an aspect that would be absent in
the administrative illicit. Regarding the specific objectives, one of them would be to check if there has not been a profuse
administrativization in the field that occupies us. Some of the behaviors now analyzed - typical driving speed
or with a typical rate- they were preliminarily related to the administrative sphere, but have ended crystallized in the CP, in an undoubted sample
of anticipation of criminal protection barriers.Another challenge is to check whether the so-called personal mobility vehicles,
they can be the optimal substrate for the commission of crimes. Special mention must be made of the so-called autopilot vehicles, gadgets
whose generalization is lower in Spain. All this from the epicenter of the element of danger as a characteristic of crimes against
road safety and distinctive of administrative infractions.La presente tesis doctoral tiene por objeto el estudio del elemento del peligro como vertebrador de algunos delitos contra la seguridad vial,
concretamente los recogidos en los artículos 379 a 382 del Capítulo IV del Título XVII del CP, que es además pieza diferencial de los ilícitos
administrativos comprendidos en los artículos 75 y siguientes del RDL 6/2015. Los delitos contra la seguridad vial pueden ser definidos como
el conjunto de infracciones, caracterizadas por la creación un riesgo para los bienes jurídicos de una doble tipología, difuso e individual. El
primero de los peligros que tratan de conculcar es de lesión a la seguridad vial -anteriormente denominada seguridad del tráfico-, a
nuestro juicio valor intermedio referencial. Es por ello que el segundo riesgo que se trata de prevenir con esta clase de ilícitos penales es
la lesión a los intereses jurídicos vida e integridad de los seres humanos, tipificando para ello conductas que mayoritariamente, suponen la
anticipación de las barreras de protección penal. Precisamente este sustrato personal es el que dota de específica antijuricidad material a
los delitos objeto de nuestra reflexión: el tráfico viario es una actividad peligrosa per se y aquí el legislador penal trata de controlar la fuente
de riesgo en aras a la importancia de los objetos tutelados, cuando se producen excesos que superan el marco del riesgo socialmente
permitido. Los objetivos generales de la presente exposición son dos. Por un lado, estudiar el elemento del peligro en relación a los delitos
de conducción a velocidad superior a la permitida, conducción bajo la influencia de bebidas alcohólicas o drogas, conducción temeraria
y conducción homicida-suicida. La segunda finalidad genéricamente perseguida, sería la de ahondar en el deslinde entre los delitos
contra la seguridad vial y las sanciones administrativas del RDL 6/2015, potenciando el contenido propio de antijuricidad material de los
ilícitos penales, al ligarlo al peligro proyectado sobre seguridad vial, vida e integridad de las personas, aspecto que estaría ausente en
los ilícitos administrativos. En lo pertinente a los objetivos específicos, uno de ellos sería comprobar si no se ha producido una profusa
administrativización en el campo que nos ocupa. Algunas de las conductas ahora analizadas -delito de conducción a velocidad típica
o con tasa típica- concernían preliminarmente al ámbito administrativo, pero han finalizado cristalizadas en el CP, en una muestra indubitada
de anticipación de las barreras de protección penal.Otro de los retos es comprobar si los denominados vehículos de movilidad personal,
pueden ser sustrato óptimo para la comisión de delitos. Mención aparte precisan los denominados vehículos autopilotados, artilugios
cuya generalización es menor en España. Todo ello desde el epicentro del elemento del peligro como rasgo propio de los delitos contra la
seguridad vial y distintitivo de las infracciones administrativas.
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