Efficacy of self-designed intraoral appliances in prevention of cheek, lip and tongue bite after local anesthesia administration in pediatric patients

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Efficacy of self-designed intraoral appliances in prevention of cheek, lip and tongue bite after local anesthesia administration in pediatric patients

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Alghamidi, Wala A. es Alghamdi, Sondos B. es Assiri, Jawaher-Ahmad es Almathami, Abeer A. es Alkahtani, Zuhair-Motlak es Togoo, Rafi A. es 2019-07-02T09:24:59Z 2019-07-02T09:24:59Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation Alghamidi, Wala A. ; Alghamdi, Sondos B. ; Assiri, Jawaher-Ahmad ; Almathami, Abeer A. ; Alkahtani, Zuhair-Motlak ; Togoo, Rafi A.. Efficacy of self-designed intraoral appliances in prevention of cheek, lip and tongue bite after local anesthesia administration in pediatric patients. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 11 4 2019: 315-321 es
dc.description.abstract The occurrence of self-inflicted soft tissue injuries following administration of local anesthesia in pediatric patients who have received dental treatment has been reported. Aim: To evaluate the attitudes and knowledge regarding cheek, lip, and tongue bite post administration of local anesthesia among dental practitioners in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the efficacies of three types of intraoral appliances on the prevention of self-harm were evaluated in pediatric patients. A total of 301 practitioners were provided with a questionnaire consisting of 9 items. In addition, three types of intraoral appliances made of polyethylene terephthalate were designed as follows: design 1 (consisted of an anterior extension with numerous perforations); design 2 (had a buccal flap extension); and design 3 (comprised of serrated borders). The appliances were placed in the oral cavities of 45 children (age, 3?15 years) immediately after the completion of the dental procedure. The patient was asked to retain the appliance for 3 h. After 24 h, both parents and children were required to respond to a checklist to evaluate the effectiveness the appliances. Almost half of the dental practitioners had never encountered self-inflicted soft tissue injury in children after local anesthesia administration. About 60% of the dentists were of the opinion that provision of adequate instructions after treatment could prevent the occurrence of lip, cheek, and tongue biting. Furthermore, among the three appliances used, design 1 was most well accepted. Intraoral appliances used in this study may be considered for use to prevent self-inflicted soft tissue trauma in children following administration of local anesthesia. es
dc.title Efficacy of self-designed intraoral appliances in prevention of cheek, lip and tongue bite after local anesthesia administration in pediatric patients es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.55477 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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