Outpatient minor oral surgery in patients with hemophilia : a case series of 23 patients

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Outpatient minor oral surgery in patients with hemophilia : a case series of 23 patients

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Ramos, Emilio A.; Diamante, Maximiliano; Caruso, Diego; Muiño, Juan M.; Baques, Alejandra; Antonelli, Ludmila B.; Gutierrez, Josefina; Minigutti, Marcelo O.; Guerrero, Gabriela
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Hemophilia is an inherited coagulation disorder characterized by deficiency of the coagulation factor VIII or IX. When the management of hemostasis is inadequate, these patients are at high risk of experiencing intra and postoperative bleedings after tooth extractions. Coagulation factor replacement therapy allows performing most surgical procedures safely, although the factor levels and length of treatment have not been clearly determined. In this study, we present our experience in a retrospective series of 112 ambulatory tooth extractions under local anesthesia in 23 patients with hemophilia using a coagulation factor replacement therapy in combination with tranexamic acid. The results obtained with this protocol were satisfactory and only one episode of mild postoperative bleeding occurred after seven days in a patient who did not have good treatment compliance.
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