In vitro evaluation of probiotic strains for lactic acid production

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In vitro evaluation of probiotic strains for lactic acid production

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Faraz, Ahmed es Arathi, Rao es Vishwas, Saralaya es Srikanth, Natarajan es Karuna, Yarmunja-Mahabala es Suprabha, Baranya Shrikrishna es 2019-07-02T09:25:54Z 2019-07-02T09:25:54Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation Faraz, Ahmed ; Arathi, Rao ; Vishwas, Saralaya ; Srikanth, Natarajan ; Karuna, Yarmunja-Mahabala ; Suprabha, Baranya Shrikrishna. In vitro evaluation of probiotic strains for lactic acid production. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 11 4 2019: 340-345 es
dc.description.abstract The growing interest on usage of probiotic lactobacilli in maintaining oral health has posed number of questions on its probable side effects. One such consideration could be an increased acid production in dental plaque, in turn leading to dental caries. Thus, the aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate the lactic acid producing ability of L. acidophilus and L. plantarum with and without dental plaque. The study consisted of five groups: 3 control groups (Supragingival plaque, L. acidophilus and L. plantarum) and 2 test groups (Supragingival plaque with L. acidophilus and Supragingival plaque with L. plantarum). 26 samples for each group were collected and their baseline spectrophotometric values were recorded. The acid production was initiated by adding 25?l fructose (10%) and stopped by centrifugation for 2 min. The concentration of the lactic acid produced was determined with the aid of COBAS INTEGRA 400 plus. On comparison of Lactic Acid estimation in mg/dl, the mean values of Plaque group was the highest followed by Plaque +L acidophilus, Plaque +L plantarum, L acidophilus and least in L plantarum. The posthoc analysis shows that the comparison of Group 1 (Plaque) and Group 2 (Plaque +L acidophilus) is statistically Significant results between all the groups except between the Plaque +L acidophilus and Plaque +L plantarum group. The lactic acid producing ability of pure suspensions of L.acidophilus and L.plantarum and the lactic acid producing efficiency becomes more when they are added to the supragingival plaque. es
dc.title In vitro evaluation of probiotic strains for lactic acid production es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.55232 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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