Which norms? An approach to the debate on the concept of mental illness Resum: En aquest article realitzem una aproximació al debat sobre el concepte de malaltia mental, des dels anys cinquanta fins al present, incorporant-hi elements de la filosofia i sociologia de la medicina, i atenent a les seues dimensions orgànica, subjectiva i social. Perfilem i avaluem les postures naturalistes i normativistes que han conformat el debat sobre la malaltia mental: des de l?antipsiquiatria a la psiquiatria crítica, passant per un naturalisme i construccionisme social forts. Paraules clau: malaltia mental, naturalisme, construccionisme, antipsiquiatria, psiquiatria crítica. In this paper we approach the debate on the concept of mental illness from the 1950s to the present, by incorporating elements from the philosophy and sociology of medicine, considering its bodily, subjective, and social dimensions. We outline and evaluate the naturalist and normativist views that have shaped the debate on mental illness: from antipsychiatry to critical psychiatry, passing through strong naturalism and social constructionism. Keywords: mental illness, naturalism, constructionism, antipsychiatry, critical psychiatry.