Feminismo y percepción del sexismo mediante TIC en educación superior. Un estudio de caso

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Feminismo y percepción del sexismo mediante TIC en educación superior. Un estudio de caso

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Martínez Romera, Daniel David
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Finding new ways to work on sensitive topics in Social Science Didactics, like the one proposed, is both a challenge and a teaching need, especially in contexts such as the one selected (Education for Citizenship). That is why a study was designed to check whether ICT can be used positively in the presentation, debate and analysis of arguments in formal areas, as well as to achieve a greater degree of individual expression of personal positions. Although it is necessary to develop more studies in this line, the results of the experience have allowed to raise and discuss the contents of the subject with a degree of participation and with very promising analytical possibilities. Additionally, new perspectives such as the analysis of subgroups or the relationship with the temporal structure of the worked contents have been included.
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