Desarrollar la conciencia histórica a través del patrimonio en el Grado en Educación Primaria

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Desarrollar la conciencia histórica a través del patrimonio en el Grado en Educación Primaria

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Chaparro Sainz, Alvaro; Martínez, Carlos; Robles Moral, Francisco Javier; Cespedosa Rojas, Raúl
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This article inspects the scientific results obtained in a teaching intervention that was specifically designed and implemented aimed at improving the quality of the teaching in Social Sciences contents. More particularly, this intervention sought to check the advantages of using heritage evidence and technological assets for the teaching of history. In order to carry out this research, a questionnaire was drafted consisting of 21 open-ended and closed-ended questions in order to collect the students? opinions and perceptions toward the innovation. About seventy percent of the population (46) considered that they have developed their historical awareness after carrying out the teaching activity.
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