Cuando los menores declaran en la justicia de menores | When youngsters speak in juvenile justice

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Cuando los menores declaran en la justicia de menores | When youngsters speak in juvenile justice

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Bernuz Beneitez, María José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The Convention on Children's Rights incorporates the rights of participation to the list of rights and insists on the realization of the right to be heard because they consolidate a new image of the child as a subject of law. That hearing of the minor in juvenile justice, when he/she has committed a crime, should allow him/her to participate of the process and perceive the trial as fair and the measures as justified. Given the importance of this hearing, it is important to analyze how it is done and the meaning of it in the declaration of the minor before the police or the prosecutor's office.
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