Las estrategias para legalizar la "gestación por sustitución". Un análisis desde la autonomía (reproductiva) de las | Strategies to legalize ?substitute gestation?. An analysis from women ?s (reproductive) autonomy

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Las estrategias para legalizar la "gestación por sustitución". Un análisis desde la autonomía (reproductiva) de las | Strategies to legalize ?substitute gestation?. An analysis from women ?s (reproductive) autonomy

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González Moreno, Juana María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The two strategies that articulate the speeches, among them, the legal ones, in order to legalize "gestation by substitution" are: firstly, its contractual structure, and, in second place, its inclusion or putting in connection with certain legally recognized rights. However, "substitute gestation" cannot be considered legal ignoring "pregnant" women, who are one of the most affected communities by said practice. In this paper we analyze these two mentioned strategies in order to determine the place where a value that is still scarcely recognized takes part (or doesn ?t): the women ?s reproductive autonomy and, in particular, that of "pregnant" women.
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