Derechos humanos y colonialidad : a 70 años de la Declaración Universal | Human rights and coloniality: after 70 years of the universal declaration

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Derechos humanos y colonialidad : a 70 años de la Declaración Universal | Human rights and coloniality: after 70 years of the universal declaration

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Mata, Gerard
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

From a decolonial option, this paper goes back to the epistemic-ontological construction of the subject of rights that was iniciated during the colonial invasion of Abya Yala in the 16th century and was consolidated with the enlightment postulations and the 18th-century declarations of rights. With this long-range perspective of the wretched of the earth?s history, the proclamation of the Universal declaration of human rights (UDHR) is ubicated as a provincial event presented as universal, and it is shown the committment of the human rights? conception implicated in the UDHR with the modernity-coloniality project.
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