Internet, Big data y nuevas tecnologías : repercusiones y respuestas del ordenamiento jurídico | Internet, Big data and new tecnologies: implications and responses from the legal system

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Internet, Big data y nuevas tecnologías : repercusiones y respuestas del ordenamiento jurídico | Internet, Big data and new tecnologies: implications and responses from the legal system

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Sancho López, Marina
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Each of the movements that occur in the network generates information that is digitized in binary code and it is stored massively. The arbitrariness with which the Big Data corporations operate as well as the opacity of the algorithms used by artificial intelligence have given rise to new forms of violation of rights, where intimacy and honour have been the first victims. This scenario requires a rethinking of legal concepts such as state or private life that have taken a new meanings and, therefore, they demand legal constructions capable of reinforcing control over our most fundamental rights.
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