La protección en la jurisdicción penal internacional del derecho a la cultura : los crímenes internacionales de destrucción del patrimonio cultural | The protection under international criminal jurisdiction of the right to culture: internacional crimes regarding destruction of cultural heritage

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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La protección en la jurisdicción penal internacional del derecho a la cultura : los crímenes internacionales de destrucción del patrimonio cultural | The protection under international criminal jurisdiction of the right to culture: internacional crimes regarding destruction of cultural heritage

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Torres Pérez, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The present article intends to give a global vision of the protection of the right to culture through international criminal law and in particular, through the tipification of crimes of destruction of cultural heritage. The prosecution of such international crimes has followed the path of other crimes in international criminal law, initially included in the type of war crimes and later overcoming such tipification in order to be treated as a crime against humanity of persecution and even, as indications of a genocidal behavior. In the present international context, the denial of the right to culture as a method of warfare is undeniable in conflicts involving new international actors, so the final solution of international criminal law must progress to become a privileged method of protection.
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