El exilio republicano español a la luz del movimiento por los derechos humanos en Naciones Unidas. Notas para su estudio | The Spanish Republican exile in the light of the movement for human rights in the United Nations. Notes for your study

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El exilio republicano español a la luz del movimiento por los derechos humanos en Naciones Unidas. Notas para su estudio | The Spanish Republican exile in the light of the movement for human rights in the United Nations. Notes for your study

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Blasco Gil, Yolanda
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The purpose of this paper is to know the influence of the Spanish republican university students of the exile in the gestation of the universal declaration of human rights, of 1948. An advance of the study that is carried out is exposed, to show that the universal declaration articulated ideals of the exiled republicans, manifested in the First Meeting of Havana of 1943. The exile and the opposition to the Francoism would influence, as far as they could, in this movement for human rights.
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