Fosas comunes de mujeres : narrativas de la(s) violencia(s) y lugares de dignificación

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Fosas comunes de mujeres : narrativas de la(s) violencia(s) y lugares de dignificación

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Martín Chiappe, María Laura
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Based on the case study of the process of exhumation, reburial and territorial demarcation of two mass graves of women killed by Francoism in Candeleda (Ávila) and Grazalema (Cádiz), this article accounts for the processes and tensions around mass graves as sites of memory. Different forms of interpreting the ritualization of significative moments during the recovery of bodies of the executed by Francoism are discussed, as well as the tensions around dominant sites of memory and the mass grave after the exhumation. Also, these cases allow us to analyze dominant narratives around violence against women, their possible political involvement, as well as the ways to conceive and represent them implemented by civil society and institutions in those processes.
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