El Valle de los Caídos como estrategia pétrea para la pervivencia del franquismo

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El Valle de los Caídos como estrategia pétrea para la pervivencia del franquismo

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Solé i Barjau, Queralt; López Soler, Xavi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This article sets out to analyse the Valley of the Fallen through consideration of the different monumentalizing strategies employed to ensure its continued effectiveness as a symbol of Francoism, and to highlight the regime?s influence by placing it at the same level as the many references to the Spanish monarchy present in the Sierra de Guadarrama. Apart from its physical dimensions, attention will be drawn to the importance of its spatial and geographical location, as well as the significance and consequences of the burial there not only of the dictator but also of tens of thousands of Civil War dead and the impact this has had on subsequent attempts to deal with this monumental legacy. The article ends by discussing the most recent actions taken to try to achieve the exhumation of Franco, reflecting on the range of responses and their significance in the present.
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