The filmography of Pedro Almodóvar has been considered as a paradigm of theatricality in cinema. Indeed, a huge amount of bibliography has been generated from this point of view. This is because, among other reasons, the presence of theatrical intertexts, but also the paratheatrical ones, understood as certain performative forms that assume some principles of the stage representation such as the existence of at least one actor and one spectator. In this article are identified different paratheatrical intertexts belonging to the bullfighting scene, the catholic liturgy, the plastic arts used as scenography, the metacinematographic elements and the fashion world. Can be seen how throughout the Almodovar?s films there is a strong presence of paratheatrical intertexts, significantly contributing to the theatrum mundi vision of his cinema, linked to a postmodern aesthetic because, among other issues, the importance of the artifice nature of his movies.