The Tempest de William Shakespeare, dirigida por Gregory Doran (Royal Shakespeare Company, 2016-2017). Dialéctica entre tecnología virtual y corporalidad

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The Tempest de William Shakespeare, dirigida por Gregory Doran (Royal Shakespeare Company, 2016-2017). Dialéctica entre tecnología virtual y corporalidad

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Huertas Martín, Víctor
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

This article studies the dialectics between the actors? bodies and virtual technology in a production of Gregory Doran?s The Tempest (2016-2017). Such dialectics will be observed from a Marxist lens ? mainly through Silvia Federici?s work ? and stage and textual criticism on Shakespeare?s play. Different aspects of technology and the body will be important for my work. Particularly, I will focus on the body as material subject to corporal punishment and to instrumentalization in the film. I will also draw ideas from Grabriella Giannachi?s theory on virtual theatre as a tool to generate aesthetic, political and ethical debate. I will focus on the interactions between bodies and technology within the stage space of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre and how such interrelation translates to the screen over the show?s live cinema broadcast.
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