Wittgenstein, ethics and literature. The case of Tolstoy's tale Hadji Murat

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Wittgenstein, ethics and literature. The case of Tolstoy's tale Hadji Murat

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Sánchez Durá, Nicolás
Aquest document és un/a capítol, creat/da en: 2019
This article proposes the character of Hadji Murat as a lens through which to explore Wittgenstein’s moral philosophy. After portraying heroism as being able to look death squarely in the face and reminding us that being heroic is a question of pathos, it considers heroism both historically and individually. Different peoples associate their pathos with different kinds of actions. The figure of Hadji Murat is presented as a key to understanding Wittgenstein’s anthropological method, and the novel as containing paradigms of actions, some of which are still in circulation and others that are no longer feasible
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