Back to the bases: Building a terrestrial water δ18O baseline for archaeological studies in North Patagonia (Argentina)

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Back to the bases: Building a terrestrial water δ18O baseline for archaeological studies in North Patagonia (Argentina)

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Serna, Alejandro Prates, Luciano Valenzuela, Luciano O. Salazar García, Domingo Carlos 2019-09-09T08:07:18Z 2019-09-09T08:07:18Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Serna, Alejandro Prates, Luciano Valenzuela, Luciano O. Salazar García, Domingo Carlos 2019 Back to the bases: Building a terrestrial water δ18O baseline for archaeological studies in North Patagonia (Argentina) Quaternary International
dc.description.abstract Archaeology has been using stable oxygen as an isotopic tracer linked with water consumption for decades, and it has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool to assess paleomobility in bioarchaeology. Central-eastern North Patagonia (Argentina) is an especially appropriate region to apply it since it presents a high density of huntergatherer burials, it was a nodal zone criss-crossed by an extensive network of important routes, and it is characterized by a high environmental fragmentation due to the scarcity of fresh water sources. The aim of this paper is to build an empirical stable oxygen isotope baseline of terrestrial surface waters to assess the potentiality of tracing past human movement. We analyzed 46 water samples from 13 locations with permanent sources (rivers, springs, streams), compared it with predictions of precipitation and evaluated it considering seasonal variation, altitude and distance from the coast. Our results show that different post-precipitation processes change the isotopic signal from the sources with respect to the local precipitation, and highlight the relevance of analyzing terrestrial water sources. According to their oxygen isotope values we defined five hydrologic zones: Colorado River, Negro River, Closed Basins and Plains, Eastern and Western Somuncurá Foothills. Their identification shows the potential to address past human movement using stable oxygen water baselines in central-eastern North Patagonia.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Quaternary International, 2019
dc.subject Arqueologia
dc.title Back to the bases: Building a terrestrial water δ18O baseline for archaeological studies in North Patagonia (Argentina)
dc.type journal article es_ES 2019-09-09T08:07:19Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.quaint.2019.06.008
dc.identifier.idgrec 133828
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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