Presbyopia and the aging eye: Existing refractive approaches and their potential impact on dry eye signs and symptoms

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Presbyopia and the aging eye: Existing refractive approaches and their potential impact on dry eye signs and symptoms

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Lafosse, Edouard Wolffsohn, James Talens Estarelles, Cristian García Lázaro, Santiago 2019-09-10T14:24:54Z 2020-08-21T04:45:05Z 2019
dc.identifier.citation Lafosse, Edouard Wolffsohn, James Talens Estarelles, Cristian García Lázaro, Santiago (2019) Presbyopia and the aging eye: Existing refractive approaches and their potential impact on dry eye signs and symptoms. En: Contact Lens & Anterior Eye
dc.description.abstract Every part of the human body is subject to aging, including the eye. Increased prevalence of dry eye disease with age is widely acknowledged: aging threatens ocular surface homeostasis, altering the normal functioning of the lacrimal functional unit and potentially leading to signs and symptoms of dry eye. Parallelly, two additional degenerative processes take place within the crystalline lens, leading to presbyopia and cataractogenesis. With continuously increasing life expectancies both conditions are expected to impact society further. Correction strategies for presbyopia and cataracts either directly or indirectly challenge ocular surface additionally. On one hand, contact lens presbyopic correction has gained many adepts in recent years. Contact lenses disturb the normal structure of the tear film and interact negatively with the ocular surface eventually initiating the closed loop of inflammation vicious circle, similarly to dry eye. On the other hand, cataract and corneal refractive surgeries sever corneal nerves and disrupt corneal epithelium and ocular surface, further inducing dryness. In the present review we address the invasive nature of the different contact lens and refractive surgery correction strategies. In addition, we deeply discuss how contact lenses, cataract surgery and various types of corneal refractive surgical strategies play a role in inducing/worsening signs and symptoms of dryness in an aging population.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Contact Lens & Anterior Eye, 2019
dc.subject Ulls Acomodació i refracció
dc.subject Òptica Aparells i instruments
dc.title Presbyopia and the aging eye: Existing refractive approaches and their potential impact on dry eye signs and symptoms
dc.type journal article es_ES 2019-09-10T14:24:55Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.clae.2019.08.005
dc.identifier.idgrec 133941
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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