Opus musicum angelorium : Quand la musique des « Invisibles » émerge aux confins du sensible - Hommage à Giacinto Scelsi -

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Opus musicum angelorium : Quand la musique des « Invisibles » émerge aux confins du sensible - Hommage à Giacinto Scelsi -

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Castanet, Pierre-Albert
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The article focuses on the music of the “invisible”, that is to say, the sound art suggested by the community of angels (between God and Satan). Based on the thought of Boece or Hanslick, Pythagoras or Eliade ... the study touches on both the aesthetics and the musicology of “modern” and “contemporary” music scores (Debussy, Jolivet, Scelsi, Messiaen, Stockhausen, Schnebel, Denisov, Ohana, Henry, Crumb, Grisey, Pintscher, Francesconi, Hurel ...). Conceived as a tribute to Giacinto Scelsi (poet and composer who has often mentioned angels in his poems as well as in his titles of musical works), “Opus musicum angelorium” tries to analyze the limits of the sensitive (at the limit of the inaudible)...
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