Cuando la historia está presente: Argumentos a favor de la sociología histórica

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Cuando la historia está presente: Argumentos a favor de la sociología histórica

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Box, Zira; Latorre Catalán, Marta; Romero Ramos, Héctor
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Sociology and history have maintained a discontinuous relationship and a permanent discussion. Classical sociology is intrinsically historical, but after the first theoretical synthesis the dialogue between both disciplines was extinguished and it has often been necessary to defend the need for the historical view in sociology from the margins of the dominant paradigm. However, as a specialty or subdiscipline, historical sociology has consolidated its own academic space and a strong theoretical, methodological and conceptual body. In Spain this process of institutionalization has not yet success. In this article we expose a few arguments in defense of historical sociology, both theoretical and for the validity of its scientific agenda
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