Transformando las prácticas de evaluación en las agencias de innovación para fomentar transiciones hacia la sostenibilidad

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Transformando las prácticas de evaluación en las agencias de innovación para fomentar transiciones hacia la sostenibilidad

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Giachi, Sandro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The aim of the study is to identify different styles and practices for evaluation of innovation policies based on different orientations, focusing on the case of the paradigm of transformative change to foster transitions towards sustainability, and the problems associated with its application. The study is exploratory, and it uses public funding agencies for innovation as strategic research settings. Based on the information provided by the experience of an international consortium participated by funding agencies from different countries, the main concepts and problems presented in the theoretical debate are illustrated. Finally, the main contributions of the study to the theory and practice of evaluating innovation policies are discussed from a sociological perspective.
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