Detection of Candida albicans biofilm proteins induced by glucose, lactose, soy protein, and iron

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Detection of Candida albicans biofilm proteins induced by glucose, lactose, soy protein, and iron

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Listiana-Kriswandini, Indah es Budi-Rahardjo, Markus es Soesilawati, Pratiwi es Prisca-Suciadi, Aileen es 2019-11-05T13:08:10Z 2019-11-05T13:08:10Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation Listiana-Kriswandini, Indah ; Budi-Rahardjo, Markus ; Soesilawati, Pratiwi ; Prisca-Suciadi, Aileen. Detection of Candida albicans biofilm proteins induced by glucose, lactose, soy protein, and iron. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 11 6 2019: 542-546 es
dc.description.abstract Background: Oral candidiasis is one of the most common fungal infections, which attack the mucosa of the oral cavity. These lesions are mostly caused by the fungal species Candida albicans. Candida albicans is included in the normal oral microorganisms that are opportunistic pathogens, and its presence is quite large, which can reach 75% of the total oral fungal population. Research on specific proteins of Candida biofilm can be an alternative to early prevention of oral infections such as Oral Candidiasis. This biofilm protein can be used as a reference in making kits to detect the presence of microbes that cause infectious diseases. The purpose of this study was to determine molecular weight of Candida albicans biofilm protein induced by 5% glucose, 5% lactose, soy protein, and 5% iron. Material and Methods: This experimental laboratory study used SDS-PAGE electrophoresis to determine the molecular weight of Candida albicans biofilm proteins induced by glucose 5%, lactose 5%, soy protein, and iron 5%. Results: Biofilm induced by 5% glucose shows four protein bands: 71,6 kDa; 56,1 kDa; 49,7 kDa; and 41 kDa. Biofilm induced by 5% lactose shows seven protein bands: 71 kDa; 61,2 kDa; 57,7 kDa; 55,3 kDa; 48,9 kDa; 39,5 kDa; and 29,8 kDa. Biofilm induced by soy protein shows one protein band: 49,4 kDa. Biofilm induced by 5% iron shows one protein band: 51,1 kDa Conclusions: Candida albicans biofilm induced by 5% glucose has four protein band candidates, 5% lactose has seven candidates of protein band, and soy protein and 5% iron each has a candidate of protein band, which can be used as a target for the detection of oral Candidiasis. es
dc.title Detection of Candida albicans biofilm proteins induced by glucose, lactose, soy protein, and iron es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.55787 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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