Calibration and simulation of two large wastewater treatment plants operated for nutrient removal

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Calibration and simulation of two large wastewater treatment plants operated for nutrient removal

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Ferrer Polo, José; Morenilla, J.J.; Bouzas Blanco, Alberto; García Usach, María Francisca
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2004

Control and optimisation of plant processes has become a priority for WWTP managers. The calibration and verification of a mathematical model provides an important tool for the investigation of advanced control strategies that may assist in the design or optimization of WWTPs. This paper describes the calibration of the ASM2d model for two full scale biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal plants in order to characterize the biological process and to upgrade the plants' performance. Results from simulation showed a good correspondence with experimental data demonstrating that the model and the calibrated parameters were able to predict the behaviour of both WWTPs. Once the calibration and simulation process was finished, a study for each WWTP was done with the aim of improving its performance. Modifications focused on reactor configuration and operation strategies were proposed.
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