La pensión de viudedad en las parejas de hecho: requisitos especiales

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La pensión de viudedad en las parejas de hecho: requisitos especiales

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Taléns Visconti, Eduardo Enrique
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Since the reform of the General Social Security Law of 2007, the widow?s pension is also recognized for de facto couples. However, the requirements for access to it are different from those foreseen for matrimonial relations (being much more burdensome for the former). Leaving aside the common requirements, applicable to all types of relationships, in this work I am going to focus, exclusively, on the additional demands that must be evidenced by the partners. In short, cohabiting couples must be registered as such during a period of two years; demonstrate a stable and uninterrupted coexistence for at least five years; and the death of one of the two members of the couple must produce an economic imbalance on the surviving person
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