Response of patients with chronic hepatitis B in one year of treatment with major autohemotherapy

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Response of patients with chronic hepatitis B in one year of treatment with major autohemotherapy

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Cespedes Suarez, Javier Cecilio es Martin Serrano, Yanisley es Carballosa Peña, Maria Rosa es Dager Carballosa, Diana Rosa es 2019-11-08T12:43:33Z 2019-11-08T12:43:33Z 2018 es
dc.identifier.citation Cespedes Suarez, Javier Cecilio ; Martin Serrano, Yanisley ; Carballosa Peña, Maria Rosa ; Dager Carballosa, Diana Rosa. Response of patients with chronic hepatitis B in one year of treatment with major autohemotherapy. En: Journal of Ozone Therapy (JO3T), 2 3 2018: 7-7 es
dc.description.abstract The Hepatitis B (HVB) is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world, it?s wide geographical distribution is a health problem, especially on the African continent, with prevalence rate of 6.1% in the adult population. Current treatment requires prolonged therapy (most cases for the rest of life) with the aim of stopping viral replication, maintaining immunological stability, preventing progression of liver disease and the most feared complications such as cirrhosis and hepatic cancer There are multiple references that point to ozone therapy as an alternative in the treatment of Hepatitis B, because of the known and demonstrated antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties. With these premises, we performed the present clinical study that included 28 patients with positive diagnosis of chronic Hepatitis B, surface antigen (HVBs Ag) positive, antibodies against surface antigen (HVBs) negative, viral load (HVB DNA ) and transaminaseselevated. These patients with 1 year of evolution and antiviral treatment were treated with Major Autohemotherapy with protocol of 15 sessions and maintenance every 15 days to 50 mcg of concentration, initial dose of 4,000 mcg / ml up to 12,000 mcg /ml We indicate Ag HVBs, Ac HVBs, HVB Viral Loading and transaminases before starting treatment at 15 days of completion and quarterly until the year. The results showed negativization of the surface antigen, antibody positivity against the surface antigen, significant decrease of viral load to undetectable values and normal values of the transaminases demonstrating the functional recovery of the disease associated with favorable immunological response providing a better quality of patients' lives. Key words: Hepatitis B, Transaminases, Ozone therapy, Major Autohemotherapy, Surface antigen, Surface Antigen Antibody. es
dc.title Response of patients with chronic hepatitis B in one year of treatment with major autohemotherapy es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.7203/jo3t.2.3.2018.11459 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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