The immune response behavior in HIV-AIDS patients treated with ozone therapy for two years

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The immune response behavior in HIV-AIDS patients treated with ozone therapy for two years

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Cespedes Suarez, Javier Cecilio es Martin Serrano, Yanisley es Carballosa Peña, Maria Rosa es Dager Carballosa, Diana Rosa es 2019-11-08T12:43:34Z 2019-11-08T12:43:34Z 2018 es
dc.identifier.citation Cespedes Suarez, Javier Cecilio ; Martin Serrano, Yanisley ; Carballosa Peña, Maria Rosa ; Dager Carballosa, Diana Rosa. The immune response behavior in HIV-AIDS patients treated with ozone therapy for two years. En: Journal of Ozone Therapy (JO3T), 2 3 2018: 9-9 es
dc.description.abstract HIV continues to be one of the biggest problems for the global public health. The African region is one of the most affected, accounting for almost two thirds of the new infections. Many of them are retroviral medications and multi-therapies aiming to stop the viral replication and maintaining immunological stability, which fail to guarantee the quality of life or enhance the patient's immunity Ozone has biological properties, among which the antimicrobial and modulatory effect on the immune response is highlighted, which makes it possible to use it in a complementary way for the treatment of these patients. We conducted the present study in which the effect of the ozone therapy administered systemically (blood route) is analyzed. We have studied 32 patients to whom we applied Major Autohemotherapy with a protocol of 15 sessions and maintenance every 15 days at 50 µg/ml of concentration; the initial dose was 4,000 µg/mlup to 12,000 µg/ml We indicated viral load, CD4 and CD8 counts before and at the end of therapy. The results showed a significant decrease in viral load to undetectable values and an increase of CD4 and CD8 at the end of the 15 sessions, being maintained at 2 years of treatment, thus achieving a permanent activation of the immune system and improving the quality of life of these patients. Key words: Ozone therapy, HIV-AIDS, Immune Response, Major Autohemotherapy es
dc.title The immune response behavior in HIV-AIDS patients treated with ozone therapy for two years es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.7203/jo3t.2.3.2018.11458 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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