Antigüedad clásica y cultura nobiliaria en la España de finales del siglo XVIII. Autores y ediciones greco-romanas en la biblioteca de José Alvarez de Toledo, XI Marqués de Villafranca

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Antigüedad clásica y cultura nobiliaria en la España de finales del siglo XVIII. Autores y ediciones greco-romanas en la biblioteca de José Alvarez de Toledo, XI Marqués de Villafranca

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Precioso Izquierdo, Francisco; Beltrán Corbalán, Domingo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This article analyzes the reception of the classical world in the Spanish nobiliary culture at the end of the 18th century. Our objective is materialized through the study of the Greco-Roman books present in the unpublished catalog of the library of José Álvarez de Toledo, 11th Marqués de villafranca. From the examination of the authors and the different editions conserved by the aristocrat, the work tries to examine the influence of the classical world and its actuality in the development of the most advanced nobiliary culture of eighteenth- century Spain.
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