La suprema giurisdizione nella Sardegna moderna. Travagli della Real Audiencia (1564-1651)

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La suprema giurisdizione nella Sardegna moderna. Travagli della Real Audiencia (1564-1651)

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Nieddu, Annamari es 2019-11-11T13:26:37Z 2019-11-11T13:26:37Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation Nieddu, Annamari. La suprema giurisdizione nella Sardegna moderna. Travagli della Real Audiencia (1564-1651). En: Estudis: Revista de historia moderna, 45 2019: 273-312 es
dc.description.abstract The institution of the Real Audiencia in the kingdom of Sardinia since the 1560s is part of a wider process which saw the rise and development of royal supreme courts of justice in several European countries of the early modern period. In fact, major State formation processes all around Europe required that monarchs increased their control on local authorities and that new increasingly centralised systems of judicial review gained precedence over all particular jurisdictions, feudal as well as municipal. This brought about a dramatic transformation in the field of criminal law enforcement and administration of justice. es
dc.subject 0210-9093 553 Estudis: Revista de historia moderna 529735 2019 45 7107720 La suprema giurisdizione nella Sardegna moderna. Travagli della Real Audiencia (1564-1651) Nieddu es
dc.subject Annamari The institution of the Real Audiencia in the kingdom of Sardinia since the 1560s is part of a wider process which saw the rise and development of royal supreme courts of justice in several European countries of the early modern period. In fact es
dc.subject major State formation processes all around Europe required that monarchs increased their control on local authorities and that new increasingly centralised systems of judicial review gained precedence over all particular jurisdictions es
dc.subject feudal as well as municipal. This brought about a dramatic transformation in the field of criminal law enforcement and administration of justice. Tribunali supremi es
dc.subject giurisdizione es
dc.subject normativa penale es
dc.subject amministrazione della giustizia es
dc.subject Jurisdiction es
dc.subject Supreme court es
dc.subject Criminal law es
dc.subject Administration of justice 273 312 es
dc.title La suprema giurisdizione nella Sardegna moderna. Travagli della Real Audiencia (1564-1651) es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::HISTORIA es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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