Importancia de los servicios técnico-científicos que brinda el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses de Guatemala

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Importancia de los servicios técnico-científicos que brinda el Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Forenses de Guatemala

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Álvarez Samayoa, Gladis Verónica Azucena
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

The objective of this paper is to analyze the different services offered by the National Institute of Forensic Sciences of Guatemala, considering that it is a recently created institution, which arose from the imperative need to order the provision of services and the issuance of opinions scientific technician. From 2006 to date, services have been innovating according to technological progress and are grouped into three ranks: a) forensic medicine; b) psychiatry and forensic psychology and; c) crime laboratories. Concurrently, the decentralization of services to provide national coverage is essential in Guatemala, as well as the urgent training and education of competent personnel and the equipping of these laboratories with appliances facilities, with the aim of contributing to the proper administration of justice.
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