Comparison of diagnostic accuracy between periapical and panoramic radiographs and cone beam computed tomography in measuring the periapical area of teeth scheduled for periapical surgery. A cross-sectional study

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Comparison of diagnostic accuracy between periapical and panoramic radiographs and cone beam computed tomography in measuring the periapical area of teeth scheduled for periapical surgery. A cross-sectional study

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Ramis-Alario, Amparo es Tarazona Álvarez, Beatriz es Cervera Ballester, Juan es Soto Penaloza, David es Peñarrocha Diago, Miguel es Peñarrocha Oltra, David es Peñarrocha Diago, María es 2019-11-22T12:20:52Z 2019-11-22T12:20:52Z 2019 es
dc.identifier.citation Ramis-Alario, Amparo ; Tarazona Álvarez, Beatriz ; Cervera Ballester, Juan ; Soto Penaloza, David ; Peñarrocha Diago, Miguel ; Peñarrocha Oltra, David ; Peñarrocha Diago, María. Comparison of diagnostic accuracy between periapical and panoramic radiographs and cone beam computed tomography in measuring the periapical area of teeth scheduled for periapical surgery. A cross-sectional study. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 11 8 2019: 732-738 es
dc.description.abstract The aim of the study was compare the sensitivity and measurements obtained from teeth with apical lesions scheduled for periapical surgery using three different diagnostic methods: periapical radiography (Gendex Expert DC), panoramic radiography (Planmeca® Promax 3D Classic) and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) (Planmeca® Promax 3D Classic). This cross-sectional study involved 35 patients (45 teeth) scheduled for periapical surgery in which periapical radiographs, panoramic radiographs and CBCT scans had been obtained. The images were used to analyze the maximum vertical and horizontal dimension and the resulting areas of the periapical lesions based on the three diagnostic methods. The two-dimensional techniques (periapical radiography and panoramic radiography) yielded a sensitivity of 82% versus 100% in the case of CBCT. The mean vertical dimension of the apical areas was 5.48 mm with periapical radiography and 5.04 mm with panoramic radiography ? the difference with respect to CBCT being statistically significant (6.36 mm for the coronal sections). There were no significant differences among the three techniques in terms of horizontal dimension (p>0.05) or lesion area. The sensitivity of periapical radiolucencies detected using CBCT was significantly greater than with the two-dimensional imaging techniques. Significant differences between the latter and CBCT were only observed in the case of the vertical measurements. es
dc.title Comparison of diagnostic accuracy between periapical and panoramic radiographs and cone beam computed tomography in measuring the periapical area of teeth scheduled for periapical surgery. A cross-sectional study es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.55986 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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