Shear bond strength of a flash-free orthodontic adhesive system after thermal aging procedure

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Shear bond strength of a flash-free orthodontic adhesive system after thermal aging procedure

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González-Serrano, Carlos; Baena, Eugenia; Fuentes Fuentes, María Victoria; Albaladejo Martínez, Alberto; Miguez Contreras, Manuel; O Lagravère, Manuel; Ceballos García, Laura
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

In this article by Carlos and colleagues (J Clin Exp Dent. 2019 Feb 1;11(2):e154-61), there is an error in the Material and Methods of the abstract. The correct Material and Methods of the abstract is: Material and Methods: A total of 120 human premolars were randomly divided into two groups (n=60) according to the orthodontic adhesive used: APC Flash-Free Adhesive Coated Appliance System (APC FF) or Transbond PLUS Color Change Adhesive (TP), as control. A SBS test was performed and ARI value for each specimen was also assessed. Results were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's Chi-square test (p<0.05).
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