Science and technology policies: A tale of political use, misuse and abuse of traditional R&D indicators

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Science and technology policies: A tale of political use, misuse and abuse of traditional R&D indicators

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Castro-Martínez, Elena; Jiménez Sáez, Fernando; Ortega-Colomer, Francisco Javier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

Future political priorities for science and technology (S&T) policy formulation usually rest on a rather simplistic interpretation of past events. This can lead to serious errors and distortions and can negatively affect the innovation system. In this article we try to highlight the riskiness involved in policy making based on traditional R&D indicators and trends. We would emphasise that this approach does not take account of structural aspects crucial for the analysis of the innovation system. We examine the implications for science, technical and human resources policies of the political challenge of R&D convergence in a peripheral EU region. Three scenarios are developed based on application of the same criteria to the trends observed in traditional R&D input indicators.
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