Cuarta revolución industrial (4.0.) o ciberindustria en el proceso penal: revolución digital, inteligencia artificial y el camino hacia la robotización de la justicia

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Cuarta revolución industrial (4.0.) o ciberindustria en el proceso penal: revolución digital, inteligencia artificial y el camino hacia la robotización de la justicia

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Barona Vilar, Silvia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This paper aims to analyze the irruption of the fourth industrial revolution (4.0.) and its consequences, especially Artificial Intelligence, in Justice, particularly in Criminal Justice. The incorporation of expert systems, algorithms and computational models in counseling is now a reality, as well as in predicting and in legal decisions. The incorporation of judicial robotic or robot-judge (machine learning) represents a disturbing situation. The replacement of the human-judge creates an artificial cognition that raises doubts about ethics, reliability, the individualization of the sanction, the possible responsibility of the machine, the sensitivity of especially vulnerable victims or depressed groups, the violation of the people's rights, etc.
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