A propósito de la inalterabilidad e intangibilidad del patrimonio genético humano como bien digno de protección penal | About the inalterability and the intangibility of the human genetic inheritance as a legally-protected interest

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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A propósito de la inalterabilidad e intangibilidad del patrimonio genético humano como bien digno de protección penal | About the inalterability and the intangibility of the human genetic inheritance as a legally-protected interest

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Sánchez Vilanova, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

ABSTRACT. This paper makes a reflection on the crime of genetic manipulation contemplated in Article 159 of the Criminal Code, a provision whose specific regulation raises many objections, especially in attention to the collective legal right that protects, such as genetic identity, questioning itself if this particular behavior would find better accommodation in administrative legislation.
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