La invención de Borges. Un desafío para las prácticas de lectura e interpretación en el campo del Derecho

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La invención de Borges. Un desafío para las prácticas de lectura e interpretación en el campo del Derecho

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Roggero, Jorge Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

ABSTRACT. This article proposes to analyze certain features of the Borgesian literature, summarized in the idea of the "invention of Borges", and to investigate its possible application in the field of Law. In every text there are implemented senses, ?established senses? and senses that remain latent waiting to be explained by a reading that finds the possibilities present there. The legal text, like the literary one, admits and demands an interpretation that is capable of combining discovery and creation to respond to the demands of justice.
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